I have solved the problem with the window pane! I remembered we have hundreds of disc boxes somewhere in the walk-in closet because we hold the discs in wallets. So I tried to choose the ones with the fewest scratch and cut them with my tablesaw. Then I could put the windows into their places. Some plaster work is necessery, I can see the sunlight coming through the gaps around the window frames. Although the sunlight is very poor, it's still rainy here!
I put wallpaper on the center parts of the wall. Certainly it's a little bit loose and dirty at the bottom. This room is in an old apartment house in Budapest. The house needs a serious renovating, but the panorama is magnificent!
I hung up the curtains, too. I'm too short, only 156 cm, so I had to use a ladder. I was ready to go out into my garden in rainfall to study our ladder, I'm very determined about miniatures! So it's old and rusty and spotted, like my real one.

It is so realistic. I wouldn't know that it is a miniature room if you didn't say so! Beautiful work!
Your whole interior looks so real like! Just eagerly waiting for the next step.
Que realismo!!!
besitos ascension
The room is wonderful and so real looking!
I'm speechless. Realism is so perfect that I had to read twice to be sure that it was the miniature house and not the real one!
Excellent idea of CD cases. The glass in the windows look so real that you wash them every so often ...
I've never been to Budapest but it's a city I love deeply for its history and beauty and not just my baby will be a bit 'grown, will be the destination of the next trip. Your last name as my beloved Sisi, who loved Hungary and signed also the official documents "Erzsébet" :-)
Thank you for signing up on my blog,
mini hugs
The room looks just amazing, your work is just wonderful and everything is made so skillfully :)
Wow! I had to zoom the photo bigger to see if it was a real room or a miniature one! That is just a great ladder!!
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