May 28, 2010

Edit's room - Gallery

I have more than 50 followers. It's a perfect reason for a great celebration! The roombox, Edit's room is ready. Edit has left for Spain. She gave me permission to show you her room. Have a good time!
There are some new minis I hasn't showed yet.


Merry Jingle said...

The room looks really nice and cosy, you sure get the feeling that it's lived in :)

And I love the wallpaper :)


Annie Fryd said...

Wow... Edith sure has a nice room, and I can see she has place for more masks on the wall. I love the many details, I had to enlarge every picture, some even twice :0)

I immidiately fell in love with the bronze lady in the window, did you do her yourself?

Bözse said...

Yes, the lady in the window is my work. It was a difficult "delivery".

Flora said...

Hi dear. I love this room with all its small details ... Most of all, I like rose petals fell on the console. Very nice effect of sunlight entering the window: transmits great energy.
A hug

Carol Mittlesteadt-Kubrican said...

I'm enjoying Edit's room. She has an eye for details. The picture on the floor is perfectly realistic (I have the same in my real house waiting to be hung up)! I am curious if Edit will bring a souvenir home from Spain? :)

Patty said...

What a wonderful room this has become! I love the green wall with all of the black and white photos on it! You have done so well with this!

Roberta said...

I'm happy to have meet you..I like your blog and your minis are great!

*annina* said...

Wow - your photography is great! I love it when you use real backgrounds through miniature windows - it's one of the things I like doing best myself.

Emily M said...

I can’t wait to see the new miniatures.