Jun 15, 2010

Fimo work

I have no time to write a lot, so  I have took only the photos of some minis I had made using fimo. (The tomato plant above the pot is 4 cm high.)


Patty said...

They are both fantastic and look very real! You are really talented and I love seeing what you have created! Thanks for sharing!!

Ascension said...

Que maravilla, te ha quedado tan real!!!!
besitos ascension

Mancsi said...

Eszméletlen jók! Tisztára mint az igazi!

Hogy csináltad a narancs héján belül azt a fehér részt?
Hát komolyan...nem térek magamhoz.

Sok miniatűrt látok, de a tieid annyira realisztikusak!

Carol Mittlesteadt-Kubrican said...

I can't believe that these are miniatures made from polymer clay. They look so realistic!

Merry Jingle said...

Fantastic work!

The Old Maid said...

Absolutely great! Love te oranges! But then again love the tomato plant too! :)

Bözse said...

Thanks for your comments!

A narancs "fehérje" temperából készült. A lényeg, hogy nem ecsettel, hanem fogpiszkálóval vittem fel, hogy minél durvább, egyenetlenebb legyen.

Mancsi said...

Zseniális! Mindenre va valami jó ötleted:)

Amúgy van egy jose nevű követőd, aki hozzád hasonló fanatikus módon, húzott fel egy egész házat, meg egy kastélyt. Nézd meg!

Susanne said...

You are very talented, your work is so detailed. Very beautifull!
Love, Susanne

Carolyn said...

The tomato plant is wonderful, Bozse - so realistic. Your work is really wonderful. I have been postponing making tomato plants for my cottage garden....maybe I will find some inspiration and get going!!

Norma Bennett said...

Just fabulous - you are an amazing miniaturist, I'm so glad that you started a blog, and that we found you :)

Flora said...

As usual I write late!
These things that you done are absolutely fantastic, but you already know!
I imagine that they are for the Italian balcony, in this case are perfect!
A hug

Tallulah Belle said...

Wonderful. The tomato plant is amazing. I really am useless with clay lol.

CALUA said...

UAUUUUU is fantastic .

C said...

Wonderful work! Carol