Oct 13, 2011


My new project is a little scene. Not a roombox, only a preparation board. This white tureen has the lead role in this project. I had a very special method to make such things you can usually form on a potter's wheel in real size. I hold the clay with my left hand continually rotating it, and try to press it with the same effort and on the same places with the thumb and the index finger of my right hand. I don't state this method was a succes for the first time, but now it's a well functioning way to make pottery. I used my Dremel tool to carve hollow into the body of the tureen after baking.
Now I have to fill it some hot, spicy soup as my grandmother made.

Oct 5, 2011

Cheese cake

Just a cheesecake. So simple and still perfect. All of my family love it. And it's very very hard to make in 1:12! No glaze, no decoration, only the soft cheese cream and the crumbled crust. The same colors and absolutely different structures. My husband looked at it and asked the same for the weekend.

Not only my husband liked it. It was sold within an hour...