Dec 14, 2010


Modelling flesh is a hard challenge. This is not my first try, but the previous ones were awful. First I tried to mix a fleshlike color from fimo, but it's impossible. The flesh is different everywhere! So I gave up the mixing, builded up the shape only from white, and added all the colors after shaping.
Now it's on my Etsy shop, but telling the truth I don't know who needs a halved pig. Perhaps it's good for a miniature butcher's or a historical scene. At the worst it would be a perfect Christmas gift for a butcher as a cellphone charm!


  1. Fascinating! I have a feeling it will be sold quite fast :)

  2. This is fabulous and it looks soooo realistic!

    I've never seen this sort of thing to buy, I've only seen hanging meat in dressed dolls houses. I have a whole piglet hanging in my Victorian Shop, but this half of pig would look just as good laying down on a butchers block or kitchen table. :o)))

    Michelle xxx

  3. Gorgeous, just like a real pig of a half. Great job.

  4. This pig is so good. All of your food looks so real. Merry Christmas!!!

  5. Bözse!
    Ez megint zseniális, az ötlet maga szintén!
    Egy előbbi bejegyzéseden mosolyogtam, mikor arról írtál, hogy nálunk nincs hagyománya a miniatűröknek...vicces történet volt.
    És a bejglit imádom, a családomnak meg mutattam és ők sem hittek a szemüknek! :)

  6. AWESOME !!!! simply stunning! Rosanna

  7. Bözse, what you have made is superb!! Your attention to detail and skilful hands and mind have produced an extremely realistic piece!
    Well done!!

  8. It looks unbelievable realistic. You must have spent hours finishing it.

  9. I love your side of pork. I saw it on Etsy yesterday, am wondering how it would look in my new witches house I am going to build.

    Victoria ♥

  10. Bozse, this meat is terribly realistic! It is a little bit scary how real it looks! Your talent is amazing!

  11. Amazing! You have made this so well. I have seen some at fairs in England but this is the best! You deserve to sell it, good luck. Gill x
