Sep 7, 2014

I'm still alive

So, I had a little bit of a vacation from my blog. Sorry for that. Summer is always is a hard time for me. The kids are at home (mostly), my garden needs me, too, something has to give, and it's usually my blog. I just hope there is still someone who reads my blog. But now I'm here and full of new ideas.
Though I didn't post, I was working all summer and made a lot of miniatures. And I created a Pinterest gallery for my works so you can see I was really busy. Here is the link,

One of my readers asked me to add a follow by email widget to my blog, so she could get my posts delivered into her inbox, or something like that. I thought, of course, why not, I would do that gladly, if I just know what the hell a widget is. So I did what I always do when I have a computer related problem, I arranged a meeting with my personal system administrator, aka I went into the study and asked my husband. And he knew what a widget is, of course. Sometimes I think he lives in the next century. Or do I live in the previous one? And he started to tell me about widget types, and pros and cons, and it was at about the third sentence when my mind closed up, because every second word was unfamiliar. That's me and the computer. I'm pathetic, I know. But I'm on the widget thingy, it would be available in a few days. (I hope!)

Now about the minis. It's fall and time to carve some pumpkins. Here are my jack-o'-lanterns and other miniatures with pumkins.
Recipe for the pumpkin pulp,

orange fimo
liquid fimo
cotton wad (I got it from a cotton disc), this adds the fibers to the pulp.


  1. What great pumpkins!! I´m happy for reading you again!

  2. Honestly.... Your work just blows my mind Every single time.
    I'm in Awe!


  3. Impresionante,más reales es imposible!!!!

  4. Por supuesto que aquí estamos para admirarte, como siempre!! las calabazas son geniales. Un abrazo

  5. Just what I love. Unique stuff! Your pumpkins are adorable! The one eating the other one is funny!

  6. Impressive and fabulous work, I love the humor of your pumpkins ;)! Thank you for the tip of the cotton wad :D!!
    Hugs, Ilona

  7. It is Always Wonderful to see your posts!!! I am still reading them and think your work is Gorgeous and unbelievably realistic!!! Fall is here... your pumpkins are Awesome!!!

  8. What gorgeous pumpkins! They look just like the real pumpkins we carve every year. (Note to self: buy pumpkins and find the Halloween decorations.)

  9. Wonderful pumpkins!!! I LOVE the last one!!!

  10. Incredible!

    I`am tremendously enthusiastic.
    You are a exceptionally gifted artist.

    Sabine from Germany
