Sep 8, 2010

Pumpkins and gourds

The pumpkins and the gourds are ready. They go well with the weather outside. It's really autumn here! Grey sky, pouring rain and only 9°C like in November! We even take the coats leaving the house! It's awful! Children always hate school beginning, but it's worse than ever.
Only making minis can cheer me up!


  1. Your minis are again so adorable... No wonder making them cheers you up!

    Wish I am able to make a pumpking one day..I am a beginner.. :)

  2. They look wonderful!!!! Stay warm!!

  3. Te has animado muy bien con estas calabazas, son preciosas.
    Aquí estamos a 29º, deseando un poco de fresquito, pero no tanto como ahí.
    Besos Clara

  4. Bozse, your gourds are just beautiful! I love the precision you put into your work! Keep up the good work!
