May 14, 2010

Roombox is under construction

After three days' work here are the results. I've got many experiences with carton, they are not too good. Nex time I use wood for walls, it's far better for me!
I hate waiting for drying!

Last night I've done this flooring for the room. I didn't count the pieces I cut, but there were many many of them, you can believe me! My neck and back are aching even now!


  1. Wow that floor looks like a LOT of work!!! I am looking forward to seeing more of this project :)

  2. It looks fab already and the floor - wow!

    I work with the cardboard as I'm so lazy to cut up the wood with all the machines and I'm hopeless with jigsaw, so cutting windows etc. would be a mess :)


  3. Es perfecto ¡¡¡¡ a mi me gustan tanto la madera como el carton... a veces uso uno otras otro y muchas veces las dos a la vez....

    Pero el suelo es increible.. cuantas piezas¡¡¡¡¡ que tipo de madera usa usted para hacer tantas piezas tan perfectas?


  4. wow! that floor looks great from far away and close up. nice job!

  5. Que maravilla de suelo, te ha quedado precioso!!!
    besitos ascension
